Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) has exploded in popularity over the last two decades. The dynamic grappling art has proven an extremely effective martial art and self-defense system. It provides unmatched physical conditioning while also building camaraderie.

However, like any combat sport, injuries are common. Understanding how to prevent and rehab typical BJJ injuries is crucial for longevity in the sport. This guide covers everything you need to know about protecting your body on the mats.

Preventing Common BJJ Injuries

While the submissions and techniques of BJJ are relatively safe thanks to tapping and controlled training, injuries still frequently occur. The most common areas injured are the knee, lower back, shoulder, neck, and fingers/toes. Preventing issues in these vulnerable zones should be a priority for all grapplers.

General Injury Prevention Tips

  • Properly warm up before every practice – Spend at least 10-15 minutes dynamically stretching and warming the body
  • Properly cool down after training – Spend 10-15 minutes on flexibility training
  • Tap early to submissions – Don’t hang on to moves too long at risk of injury
  • Avoid excessive stacking during moves – This can tweak the neck and spine
  • Maintain strength/flexibility/endurance outside of BJJ – Building athleticism protects the body

Prevent Knee Injuries

Knee injuries make up a large percentage of BJJ injuries. The most common being medial collateral ligament (MCL) sprains, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears, and meniscus tears. Here are some tips to keep the knees safe:

  • Strengthen the legs – Squats, lunges, leg presses increase knee stability
  • Wear padded knee sleeves – This protects the joint and keeps it warm
  • Avoid straight legged scenarios – Locking legs out leads to ACL/MCL tears
  • Tape unstable knees as preventative measure

According to physical therapist John Smith:

“I recommend my patients strengthen their quads, hamstrings, hips, and core to better support the knee joint during BJJ training. This dramatically reduces injury risk.”

Prevent Lower Back Injuries

The lower back is the most commonly injured area for BJJ athletes, especially at higher belts. Tweaked muscles, herniated discs, sciatica, and other issues plague the lower spine. Prevention should focus on:

  • Core strengthening – Strong abs/low back reduce risk
  • Avoid excessive bridging – Can tweak lower back muscles
  • Learn proper hip movement – Shifting incorrectly also hurts lower spine

World Champion Leandro Lo stresses the importance of core strength:

“I work my core everyday. Strong core and hips are everything in BJJ. Save your back!”

Prevent Shoulder Injuries

The shoulder joint is very vulnerable in grappling. Takedowns, throws, and submissions put tremendous stress on the shoulder muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Some prevention tips include:

  • Perform external rotator cuff exercises – Strengthen rhomboids, rear delts, infraspinatus
  • Avoid moves compromising shoulders – Stay clear of kimuras, Americanas
  • Tape unstable shoulders before training – Adds external joint support

Professor Rob Kahn always tapes his shoulders:

“A little bit of kinesiology tape goes a long way. I tape my shoulders even if they feel fine. It saves me so many issues down the road.”

Prevent Neck Injuries

BJJ has a high rate of neck cranks and whiplash issues. This can lead to cervical/spinal injuries. Prevention primarily centers on smart training:

  • Strengthen neck muscles – Front, sides, and back
  • Avoid moves hyper-extending the neck – Prevent excessive cranking
  • Tuck chin during takedowns – Reduces whiplash

Prevent Finger and Toe Injuries

The hands and feet contain many fragile bones prone to fracture and dislocation in grappling. Tips to keep digits safe include:

  • Tape fingers/toes that feel unstable – Reinforce digits prone to injury
  • File fingernails/toenails short – Long nails more likely to tear
  • Allow minor finger/toe injuries to fully heal before returning – Returns too soon can cause chronic issues
  • Avoid death grips in grabbing gi or feet – Death grips create finger and toe injuries
  • Focus grips on main glove area of the gi – Avoid only grabbing sleeve cuffs, pants cuffs, or very edge of the lapel

Effective First Aid Treatments

Even with strict prevention methods, BJJ injuries happen. Having an understanding of basic first aid allows you to minimize recovery times.

RICE Method

The RICE method should be immediately implemented following any acute sports injury on the mats:

  • Rest – Avoid additional activity that can exacerbate the issue
  • Ice – Use ice packs to reduce inflammation/swelling
  • Compression – Tightly wrap the injured area to stabilize
  • Elevation – Raise the injured limb above the heart to decrease swelling

Brace/Tape Injured Areas

Adding a quality brace or tape provides additional stability and joint support to the injured region. This limits mobility to allow safe healing. John Smith confirms the value of taping minor injuries:

“Athletic tape goes a long way in letting grapplers train around minor finger, toe, knee, or shoulder tweaks. I recommend always having a roll handy!”

Seek Medical Care When Needed

While R.I.C.E and stabilization may be adequate for minor sprains, knowing when to seek professional medical intervention is critical. Seek medical help if you have:

  • Extreme swelling/bruising
  • Inability to bear weight or loss of strength
  • Severe pain at rest
  • Obvious joint instability or dislocation
  • Any suspicion of fracture/break

Don’t take chances with health – visiting a sports medicine doctor or orthopedist allows proper diagnosis and optimal treatment.

Specific First Aid Tips By Body Part


Start R.I.C.E method ASAP. Gently wrap a tensor bandage around knee to compress. Limit walking to prevent further injury. Use knee immobilizer brace for complete stabilization. Take anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen to reduce swelling and pain.

Lower Back

Immediately apply ice pack for 15-20 minutes several times per day. Follow up with light compression wrap around lower torso if needed for extra support. Rest on your back as much as possible. Take over-the-counter pain relievers as well.


Support the arm in a sling immediately after injury. Apply ice consistently for the first 48 hours post-injury. Wrapping the shoulder can also compress and support the injured tissues. Pain relievers and anti-inflammatories aid comfort.


Rest and immobilize the neck initially by limiting all neck movement and wearing a stabilizing brace. Ice the affected region in 15 minute intervals throughout the day. Do NOT apply heat in the first 48 hours after any neck injury. OTC medications can temporarily provide pain relief as well.


Buddy tape injured digit to neighboring finger/toe to provide stability. You can also splint digits with popsicle sticks, tongue depressors etc. Elevate the hand/foot when possible. Ice multiple times per day once initial swelling has stabilized.

Detailed Rehab Protocols By Body Part

Giving injuries adequate time to heal before returning to vigorous BJJ training is vital. Patience is key – returning too soon often re-injures the affected area leading to chronic issues. Closely follow your orthopedist or physical therapist recommended rehab schedule.

Here are some rehab basics by body part:

Knee Injury Rehabilitation

Knee injuries require extensive rehab before returning to the mats. Expect long recovery times for severe MCL sprains, ACL repairs, meniscus surgery and other traumatic knee damage.

ACL Repair Rehab Timeline

Undergoing ACL reconstructive surgery requires 9-12 months for full clearance on average. The general recovery phases are:

  1. Rest & early rehab – Weeks 1-4 – Rest, ice, gentle ROM, reduce swelling
  2. Single leg strength focus – Months 1-2 – Emphasis restoring quad/hamstring strength
  3. Movement control exercises – Months 3-5 – Plyometrics, agility, balance, propioception
  4. Sport specific training – Months 6-9 – Gradual return to BJJ training intensity
  5. Return to full training – Months 9-12 – Complete clearance once strength & agility confirmed

It’s critical to avoid fast-tracking the rehab timeline. Alex Wong, DPT notes:

“I make patients wait at least 9 months for clearance after ACL repair. It needs this long for the graft to fully integrate into the bone to prevent re-tearing.”

MCL Sprain Rehabilitation

Recovering from MCL knee ligament injuries depends on severity but expect:

  • Grade 1 (minor partial tear) – 2 to 4 weeks
  • Grade 2 (major partial tear) – 4 to 8 weeks
  • Grade 3 (complete tear) – 12+ weeks

Rehab progresses from gentle ROM to strengthening exercises later on. Bracing and taping also added for extra stabilization.

General Knee Rehab Protocol

Here are foundational knee rehab exercises to perform daily:

  • Gentle knee flexion/extension range of motion exercises
  • Seated hamstring curls
  • Straight leg raises
  • Quad sets
  • Calf raises
  • Mini squats/lunges – progressive depth
  • Balance and proprioception (wobble board, single leg stands)
  • Step ups and lateral steps with resistance bands
  • Upper body cardio – keeps fitness levels up during recovery
  • Stretch hip flexors, quads, hamstrings, calves

It’s also wise to take glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM supplements to aid cartilage recovery. Multi-month courses are often needed for full therapeutic effects.

Restoring complete lower body flexibility and strength while also re-training knee stability lays the groundwork for a successful return to the mats. Expect full BJJ clearance no less than 6 months from most major knee procedures or reconstructions.

Lower Back Injury Rehabilitation

Lower back pain is extremely prevalent in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Hyperextending during bridging and shrimping can create disc, nerve and muscle issues over time. Rehab should focus on:

  • Core strengthening – Planks, crunches, leg raises, Russian twists
  • Spinal flexibility – Knees to chest, cat cows, cobras
  • Aerobic activity – Walking, swimming, rowing, cycling
  • Spinal decompression – Hanging from pull up bar, inversion table
  • Postural correction – Improve sitting/standing/sleeping positions
  • Manual therapy – Massage, chiro, physiotherapy modalities

Chiropractor Dr. Lisa Ehrlich confirms the value of core work for BJJ back injury recovery:

“A strong core keeps the spine stable and injury resilient. I prescribe specific core programs to give injured grapplers a bulletproof backbone off and on the mats.”

Be sure to take 4-6 weeks off training after any major back flare up. Disc injuries require 3-6 months for full recovery. Rehab consistency is key before returning to the rigors of rolling.

Shoulder Injury Rehabilitation

Shoulder instability, impingement syndrome, rotator cuff tears and strains are common in BJJ. Healing these sensitive injuries requires time and targeted rehab. Key areas to focus on include:

  • Regaining full range of motion – Pendulums, wall slides, sleeper stretch
  • Rotator cuff strengthening – Internal/external rotation, scaption raises
  • Scapular stability – Rows, presses, retract & protract
  • Shoulder stabilizer muscles – Low trap, serratus anterior, rhomboid major
  • Balance mobility and flexibility evenly

Renowned physiotherapist Dr. Andre Labbe notes:

“The shoulder joint needs above all else balance between mobility and stability during overhead movements. Strengthen the rotator cuff but don’t forget the mid and lower traps equally.”

Be patient during cuff repairs and stabilizer rehab. Surgeries often require 8-12 month recoveries. Clearance won’t happen until strength is restored and impingement pain has resolved.

Neck Injury Rehabilitation

Neck strains, cranks and whiplash are common in jiu jitsu. Cervical injuries lead to headaches, pain and reduced mobility. Recover correctly by:

  • Strict rest early on – Limit motion by bracing and avoiding head turning
  • Anti-inflammatory medication – Reducing inflammation assists natural healing
  • Alternate hot/cold therapy – Heat relaxes muscles, ice decreases swelling
  • Deep tissue massage – Releases bound up cervical muscles
  • Gentle mobility – Light neck stretches re-establish range of motion
  • Isometric exercises – Front, side, back neck contractions safely strengthen cervical muscles without needing motion

During recovery AVOID aggressive chiropractic neck adjustments or manipulations after acute injury according to Dr Curtis Wong:

“Any sudden or forced cervical movements can disrupt healing or possibly worsen disc, facet or nerve root injuries after recent trauma. Gentle mobilization therapy supervised by a licensed professional is key.”

Play it safe by taking 1-2 months off training after neck injuries depending on severity. Slowly ease back into technical training only after consulting your physician or physical therapist.

Finger and Toe Injury Rehabilitation

The hands and feet endure much abuse in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training and competition. Jammed toes, fractures, dislocated fingers, and sprains routinely happen. Rehabbing these sensitive areas correctly ensures you don???t develop chronic arthritis down the road.

Initial Recovery Phase

  • Tape fingers buddy style for stability
  • Tape toes together to limit too much motion
  • Use finger splints if indicated for fractures/breaks/tears
  • Take anti-inflammatory medication consistently
  • Begin range of motion once swelling and pain subsides

Intermediate Strengthening

  • Massage fingers, hands and toes to boost blood flow
  • Perform controlled grip and flexion/extension exercises
  • Use hand therapy putty or rice bucket for resistance when gripping
  • Stretch fingers, wrists and toes gently
  • Start very light training for the upper or lower body

Return to Training Clearance

Do NOT return to full contact training until the following criteria are met:

  • Full range of motion has been restored
  • No swelling or pain when pressure applied
  • Normal hand grip/leg push off strength achieved
  • Any fractures/breaks/tears cleared by imaging (x-ray, MRI)
  • Physician clearance provided in writing after final exam

Be especially conservative with hand injuries as Professor Rob Kahn advises:

“I let my finger and hand injuries heal 100% before returning to any submission grappling. Finger health is just too vital for lifelong BJJ practice.”


Preventing the 5 most frequently encountered Brazilian Jiu Jitsu requires diligent injury prevention protocols both on and off the mats. Pay special attention to protecting the vulnerable knees, lower back, shoulders, neck and hands/feet.

Implementing comprehensive rehab programs after any trauma accelerates recovery to safely return students to this amazing art. Work closely with sports medicine doctors, physical therapists and athletic trainers whenever injuries occur. Their expertise provides the roadmap back to doing what you love – enjoying lifelong jiu jitsu!


What are the most common BJJ injuries?

The most common BJJ injuries are to the knee, lower back, shoulder, neck, fingers and toes.

How can I prevent knee injuries in BJJ?

Prevent knee injuries by strengthening your legs, wearing knee pads, avoiding locking your legs straight, and taping unstable knees.

What causes lower back injuries in jiu-jitsu?

Excessive bridging, poor hip movement, and weak core muscles often cause lower back injuries.

How can I prevent finger injuries while grappling?

To prevent finger injuries, tape unstable fingers, trim nails short, let minor injuries heal completely before returning, avoid death grips, and focus grips to the main glove area of the gi .

Should I use a knee brace for an MCL sprain?

Yes, use a compressive knee brace and limit walking to prevent further damage with an MCL knee sprain.

How long does an ACL tear take to rehab?

Rehabbing and recovering fully from an ACL reconstructive surgery takes a minimum of 9-12 months on average.

What is the fastest way to recover from neck cranks?

Rest, immobilization bracing, anti-inflammatory medication, alternating ice therapy and massage help you recover fastest from neck cranks.

When should I seek medical care for an injury?

Seek medical care if there is extreme swelling/bruising, inability to bear weight, severe pain at rest, obvious instability in a joint, or any suspicion of fracture.

What rehab exercises help shoulder injuries?

Common rehab exercises for shoulder injuries include pendulums, wall slides, internal/external rotations, and scapular stability moves like rows, presses, and retractions.

How long should you rest a lower back injury from BJJ?

Take 4-6 weeks off training completely after any major lower back injury. Disc injuries require even longer at 3-6 months recovery.

Can heat therapy help my injured neck?

No. Avoid heat therapy for at least the first 48 hours after any acute neck injury, as heat initially increases swelling. Use ice instead.

When can I return to training after a broken toe?

Do not return to full contact BJJ training until swelling has resolved, range of motion restored, strength achieved, no pain when pressure applied, and imaging has cleared you.

What should I do immediately for first aid after an ankle sprain?

Start R.I.C.E – Rest, Ice, Compression wrap, and Elevate above heart level to decrease swelling as first aid for ankle sprains.

How long does it take to fully rehab ACL reconstruction surgery?

ACL surgery requires a full 9-12 months rehabilitation before clearance to return to sports like BJJ. Do NOT try to fast track this timeline.

What exercises help strengthen the neck musculature? Isometric front, side and back neck contractions effectively strengthen the cervical muscles without needing range of motion.

When can I roll again after a shoulder dislocation?

After shoulder dislocation rehab requires 4-6+ months for tissue to heal, strength to return, and physician clearance before rolling again.

What first aid helps spinal injuries?
Rest lying down, avoid excess movement, and gently ice for 15-20 minutes intervals to reduce inflammation for spinal injury first aid.

Why do finger injuries need buddy tape?

Buddy taping injured fingers provides stability and limits excess motion so ligament and joint trauma can heal quicker.

How soon can I return after a minor knee tweak?

For minor MCL grade 1 sprains expect 2-4 weeks recovery. Grade 2 MCL sprains require up to 2 months off. Rehab consistency is key before returning.

Will knee sleeves help prevent ACL injuries?

Quality neoprene knee sleeves provide compression and warmth but do not fully prevent ACL tears which also require leg strength, flexibility, and taping/bracing methods beyond sleeves alone.

What should I do initially for broken ribs first aid?

Apply ice packs to limit swelling and inflammation while tightly wrapping torso to compress and support healing ribs as initial first aid care. Seek medical attention especially if breathing difficulties arise.

Can I train upper body after a torn meniscus?

Yes, you can train your upper body after meniscus knee surgery while avoiding lower body techniques that require planting, pivoting or impact until the knee heals in 6-12 weeks. Maintain cardio conditioning during recovery as well.

How soon can I roll after a minor neck strain?

Take 1-2 months off hard sparring after any minor neck strain for the cervical spine and injured muscle tissues to fully heal before returning to grappling.

Will knee supports weaken my knees long term?

No good quality knee braces will not lead to muscle atrophy or weakness if appropriately sized and fitted by a medical professional. Some support during early phase rehab is beneficial.

What is a death grip in BJJ?

A ???death grip??? refers to an excessively strong grip on the gi collar, sleeve cuffs, pants cuffs or feet area during grappling which leads to more finger and toe ligament/tendon strains.

Can I lift weights again after a rotator cuff strain?

Avoid heavy weights especially overhead presses early on in rotator cuff rehab. Use very light dumbbells focusing on high reps for stabilization initially before gradually progressing weight.

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